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Broderie américaine

Publié par le blog de Ninon
Il y a quelques temps déjà, JOY m'a adressé un merveilleux colis rempli de merveilles pour une brodeuse.
Je vous ai déjà montré un premier ouvrage que j'ai commencé, mais voici la suite.
Mon amie Joy est une amie adorable, généreuse et très drôle, nous nous téléphonons maintenant de temps en temps et je voulais lui rendre hommage ce soir sur mon blog.

Joy, I explain to my readers the wonderful package you sent me last month with all the embroiedery.
I tell them that tonight I wanted to put my dear friend JOY at the first place of my blog and tell them how you are a wonderful friend, so generous and so funny.
I kiss you my Dear Joy

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Hello!This is Kelly from the USA.  I have so enjoyed looking through your blog.  I notice your love for cross-stitching and what lovely gifts you get from people.  Maybe you know my friend, Vonna?  She is an avid cross stitcher too!Thank you so much for sharing your blog with me.  You are a beautiful person and your life in Paris looks amazing.  I would love to visit there someday.  And I so appreciate that you share in my life through my blog.  I welcome your comments and it's fun to have friends from afar.  Blessings upon you and greetings from Indiana, Kelly :)

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